Drives and Controls Magazine
Do you need to buy new equipment? Or just use your existing kit better?
Published:  04 May, 2021

Using the right control device extends the life of a motor, along with those of the mechanical components connected to it. Trying to solve every application using one type of product is like trying to eat all varieties of food with a fork. While it may be the best tool for many foods, it certainly wouldn’t work well with a bowl of soup.

This applies to areas other than motors. Many users believe that pumps need to run at full speed all of the time because processes further down the line can handle any excess flows easily, or they have control valves in place. This will not prove to be the most cost-effective or energy-efficient approach. Using a drive or soft-start allows users to limit the pump speed to produce the required flow, or to match the flow to the process.

To summarise: you need to consider whether everything you are currently using is doing its job to the best of its ability. If the answer is yes, then that’s fantastic, but if not, then look at whether you can use what you already have better? The answer may be to install new or upgraded equipment, but at least there will be a justifiable reason behind this decision.


* Gambica is the trade association for the automation, control, instrumentation and laboratory technology sectors in the UK.

For more information, please contact Nikesh Mistry on 020 7642 8094 or via